Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Dam Pictures

Since everybody seems to be posting pictures of the Hoover Dam I figured I should add mine as well. :^) These were taken on my way home from Sedona on the same day I took the shot at Montezuma's Well. I need to go back and spend some real time at the dam - there are a lot of great shots to be had there. The composition on these could be better but I like the colors.

Nikon D70, tripple exposure HDR images. Only the last one was rotated slightly and cropped to fix the camera not being true vertical. Sorry, they are still only 600 pixels wide. I haven't had a chance to export anything else.


  1. Hmm, I can't seem to click on the pictures. Still trying to get the hang of the site. :)

  2. Yay, fixed the posting issues. :^)

  3. I like your HDR shots. I also have trouble framing a good composition at Hoover Dam. At least from the tourist stops.

  4. Thanks!

    Photomatix does an awesome job. One of the guys I work with just bought a copy after seeing what you can do with it. This weekend I need to get a new monitor setup and calibrated then I can start photo editing in ernest. These have been all quick edits in Photomatix.

    I had no idea Hoover Dam was so beautiful at night. I came around the corner on my way back from Sedona and had to stop for those pictures.

  5. I am a fan of Photomatix as well, I am about to post some HDR's myself.
