Monday, October 5, 2009


I took about 50 shots of this scene and really only this one came out decent. I need a lot more practice.


  1. Great shot Fonda. Where was it taken?

  2. I really like the the composition and the limited color palette. This shot would be a great opportunity to play with some post production software. There are a lot of blues in this scene that might really pop if you play with it.

  3. WOW, I guess I done-did good? Thank you guys for the feedback. I took the picture in Boulder City on Sunday. And yes, after I install PS, I will work with the picture for practice.

  4. If I would have taken this shot I would have positioned the bird in one of the law of third spots and I would have used a shallower depth of field. All the lines from the branches distract away from your bird.

  5. Good point, thank you for the advice.
