Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stack Test

This is my first try at astrophotography (a Canon 5D attached to a telescope). According to the manual the effective focal length is 2000mm. The top two images (of Jupiter) turned into star trails. The star is ten 1 second images stacked and aligned in photoshop. There is a technique for getting rid of the camera noise (dark frame) which I'll experiment with on my next attempt.

1 comment:

  1. How did you stack the images?

    I don't know if telescopes follow the same rules as a camera lens but if they do I would suggest trying a max shutter speed of 1/3 of a second at 2000 mm (600 / 2000). If you look at the dimmer stars you can see the beginnings of a trail - they are slightly oblong.

    Camera noise is another issue. Starry skies can be cleaned up pretty well with a bit of Photoshop work. The lower the ISO you can use the better. I'll be interested to see how your tests come out.

    Nice first go.
