Monday, April 19, 2010

Moon Rock

(Nikon D70, ISO 400, 18mm, f 3.5, 30 sec)

My Death Valley excursion was a huge success. I'm still downloading pictures but the D70 only had a few images on it so I'll start with this one.

I stayed out on Racetrack Playa after dark to take some pictures of the moving rocks. This was shot with two off-camera strobes with Rosco gels held on with rubber bands. The intention was to light the rock with the blue and the tacks with the green.

Not being able to get a good preview of the images I took many shots varying the focus. I set the focus both close to capture the rock and far to resolve the stars. This was the best shot of the bunch even though it doesn't have many stars in the field of view. The exposure was a bit long as well so the stars have started to elongate.

The only editing on this picture was to crop it and adjust the sharpness a bit. With minimal work I should be able to bring out the mountains a bit more to add some impact to the image. I'm not sure what is causing the glow behind them. The view was to the south.

One thing I learned in this shoot is that I need to get some light stands. The strobes were too close to the ground and tended to be too hot in many cases.

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